速報APP / 商業 / Vibing Organizer

Vibing Organizer





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:39/6, 1st Floor, H - Block, DLF Phase 1, Sector 26, Gurugram, Haryana - 122002.

Vibing Organizer(圖1)-速報App

Organizing an event? Well, relax. We are here take care of all roadblocks and hiccups!

We are Vibing Ticket, the world’s first e-commerce enabled ticketing platform that will revolutionize the road for event organizing sphere.

Our aim is to make everything easy, accessible and cheaper for you.

If you have an event, we have a platform for you. All you have to do is create and publish your event at our portal and we will take care of the rest.

From showing you the ticket sales in real time to providing your attendees with a QR code for their passes, we do it all. You can also list any in-event merchandise or food and beverage sales, so that the customer can purchase it online, before or during the event.

You can choose to make your event accessible to all, or make it private. In both cases, we provide you with an extensive dashboard that shows you all the details of tickets, merchandise, food and beverage items that have been bought.

Want to know more? Visit our website www.vibingticket.com

What do you get with this app when you hit download?

Vibing Organizer(圖2)-速報App

• Separate access to the admin and staff login

• Faster check-in using the QR scanner

• Track real-time information of the event - know the number of attendees who have entered the venue, the merchandise or food and beverages they have purchased

• Track the number of food and beverages or the merchandise sold via real-time updates

• An extensive dashboard to access details about each staff id being used

• Since the app is updated in real time during the event, the admin can access it from another location while the event is happening somewhere else.

Download our application for free & buy tickets at your convenience.

Give us a shout!

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Tweet to us: @VibingTicket

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